What Traits Make a Successful Board Member?

There are many traits that make a successful board member in a variety of ways, from the wealth and social connections to expertise in a particular area. But there are a few intangibles that help make a great director, such as the ability to think outside the box and remain objective when discussing sensitive issues.

Board members should also have the right communication skills as they will be sharing sensitive information both in and out of meetings. Board members need to be able effectively communicate both verbally and in writing. Being able to work hard and a drive to do good for the organization is a key trait of a good board member.

The right composition of board members is vital for the success of a nonprofit. A creative director can provide a fresh view of problems that may be stalled or not being properly addressed. A financial expert can also help ensure that all aspects of financial matters are being considered.

The nominating board should spend the time needed to ensure that the new board members have the necessary experience and independence. A reputable nomination committee will be looking for candidates with a wide range of skills, such as knowledge of the nonprofit’s operation and strategy, as well as the stakeholder group. It is important to ensure that the board does not overlap memberships, as this can hinder its effectiveness.

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