How to Stop Drinking Out of Boredom

Stopping drinking doesn’t magically make you healthy. Other lifestyle changes factor in as well. When you get together with such people, you’ll likely find that they do plenty of activities that don’t involve alcohol—like hiking, skiing, playing games, or fishing. And you might even find that you enjoy doing these types of things much more than activities that involve alcohol.

You might have a drinking because of boredom to calm your mind, mellow out your mood, and take the edge off stress. You might occasionally consume several alcoholic beverages to blot out a highly stressful day.

Is Being Sober Boring? Why Do We Think That?

My fear is what I see in ex heroin addicts. I have 4 friends that quit using heroin, and not one of them is happy now, even 15 years after quitting. Knowing they will never get that euphoric feeling that they used to chase has left them mentally depressed. They all have little or no income and don’t function well. While I’m happy I never tried heroin, I’m worried that this same effect might apply to some degree with booze. I’m worried I’ll never get to be that happy again.

You count the hours, and they seem endless. Picking up that drink to get past feeling bored is a dangerous practice that can only get worse. You may automatically find yourself gravitating toward alcohol to pass the time, increasing the risk of developing an addiction.

How to Have Fun Without Alcohol !

I bought a beautiful photo of an ivory blanket for the top of my bed which was soft and decadent. I got an essential oil diffuser, I got really nice sheets and pillows. And again, this does not have to be expensive. You can get second hand stuff and spray painted. You can go to the arts and crafts store and pick out mason jars and put beautiful flowers in them. The point is to create a space that’s a lovely retreat, but one that every place your eye brings you a sense of joy and peace and comfort.

2 and a half years completely sober here. I can vouch for the fact that it DOES get better. I struggled with terrible boredom for almost a full year after quitting. The good news it has gotten much much better. It actually gets better within a few weeks of quitting…… will still struggle with boredom but it wont be every second of every day. It gets better and after about a year you will no longer get bored without drinking.

Learn From Your Experiences

By cultural standards, my drinking habit was nothing to worry about, which is perhaps why I silently struggled in thegray areafor so long. But when I quit alcohol, a fascinating domino effect of positive shifts naturally followed suit. My husband noticed my light turn back on and, after a while, I felt it too. At Promises Behavioral Health, we understand that the decision to seek out help for alcohol addiction can be a difficult one. We are here to provide the support and treatments you need to achieve lasting recovery. Our programs focus on treating the physical, mental, and emotional components of alcoholism in a safe and secure environment where individuals can focus on their healing process. Most people experience stress and try their best to alleviate it.

Is it boring to be sober?

What you'll find out early on in sobriety is not so much that it's “boring,” but that you have a ton of additional free time on your hands. These periods of extra time can become dangerous and leave you prone to relapse if you don't have other outlets to occupy yourself with.