How Companies Benefit When Employees Work Remotely HBS Working Knowledge

They also interact with people at gas stations, coffee shops and restaurants during their commute to work and their lunch. Workers may only exchange pleasantries, but it is in-person social interaction. how companies benefit when employees work remotely Companies needed businesses messengers, video conferencing platforms, timekeeping software, task management systems and cloud services to replace legacy systems and physical office processes.

benefits of working remotely

Depending on your organization’s remote work policy, you might be able to schedule your day to accommodate aspects of your life outside of work. If you work in a city, you’ve likely experienced the hassle of commuting. Whether you’re taking public transportation or stuck in traffic, your mind might wander and think about all the other things you could be doing during your commute time. Studies have shown that commuting negatively impacts health and happiness. When you work from home, not only will you have more free time in your day, you’re likely to see an improvement in your well-being too. At the height of the COVID pandemic, an estimated 50 percent of all Americans began working remotely.

Proven Benefits Of Remote Work For Companies

Having things cloud-based gives you the ability to pivot, to relocate, to move. That’s less well-suited to being done in a remote fashion over video conferencing. Have to hop offline for an hour to pick up your child from school? Remote work gives you the flexibility to manage all aspects of your life, whether they’re directly related to your work or not.

  • When your surroundings match your work preferences, you’ll be able to get more done.
  • Households reporting lower levels of education and income are also similarly restricted in terms of quality internet access.
  • As those employers leave, it’s not just about the office space, it actually has a ripple effect into a lot of other related industries.
  • And today’s millennials almost expect to have the choice of working remotely as they’ve grown up with technology that allows this.
  • Working eight or more hours a day leaves little time for family — especially when commutes and sleep are factored in.
  • Companies that offer a flexible working arrangement, such as full, half, or partial remote work, could make the difference for a candidate selecting their next career move.

Remote leaders and managers need to remember that transparency is key for employees to have the information they need to work independently and feel engaged with their work. They can plan their day to suit both their work and home life, as long as they do the set hours at the right time. Having the flexibility to attend medical appointments, watch the kids’ basketball game, or take elderly parents shopping can lighten the load. And not having to ask special permission or fit in with other team members takes the pressure off too. When an employer allows employees this kind of freedom it builds trust and gives more job satisfaction. Having the flexibility to meet personal obligations, family needs, and other life responsibilities allows employees to work when they feel fresh and rested to accomplish most.

Positive Environmental Impact

One way that employers can try to combat this is by optimizing work-tracking software that helps employees stay on track as well as offers them insight into how long they have been working so that they clock out on time. Instead of benching on employees learning when to close the computer and turn their attention to family time and self-care, industry leaders should set an example rather than taking advantage of the current not fixed timetable. For others, it took time as they set up systems to enable remote work. Once organizations worked out the kinks, they found this new way of working had some benefits. But its widespread adoption due to the pandemic became a benefit of the modern job. Many companies already had long-term goals to set up remote work environments, but the pandemic accelerated the process.

benefits of working remotely

This is all about making your work area totally yours, with your favorite plants or your prized baseball cap collection. Mental health can also improve with remote working, as there is less stress, and working in your own environment can be relaxing. And happy employees are productive and motivated which leads to better quality work. Commuting every day and being in an office isn’t the healthiest way to spend time. Remote workers have the advantage of not coming into contact with other people (which is especially important in the light of Covid-19) and catching unwanted germs from coughs and colds. With no gaps in work and coordinated communication, companies can boost their productivity and output in ways that are simply no possible just during office hours at the location where your team is based.