Developing a Strategic Board Agenda

The agenda of every meeting should be clearly defined. It helps ensure that each discussion has its goal and prevents getting bogged down in details. However, preparing a successful strategic board meeting takes more than just a good format for your agenda. Board members should be prepared for the meeting and be prepared to participate in productive discussions.

Reviewing the board’s materials prior to the meeting is one of the best things a board member can do to ensure a successful event. This will help the board members to become familiar with the material and prepare questions for the meeting. This is a great opportunity to increase participation by allowing each person’s unique perspective to be heard.

Concentrating on the content and not the format is a key factor to prepare for a successful board meeting. Board meetings should be efficient and focused, which is why it is vital to arrange topics logically, starting with the ones that are most urgent and timely. Then, you can move to those that build on those. Don’t forget to set aside a portion of the meeting to discuss any new business. This is a great opportunity for the board members to discuss stimulating discussions that will help to propel the organization forward.

In recent years Boards have been asked to do more hands-on tasks. This can lead to meetings becoming longer than necessary and diverting from the topic. To avoid this, make sure to keep the information on an overview of the board at an organizational level.