How To Taper off Alcohol

ContentHealth EssentialsTipsRecognizing you Have a Drinking ProblemI gave up booze and am having more fun than ever. These seven tips could help you do the same You can ask questions about our program, the admissions process, and more. Joseph Gilmore has been in the addiction industry for three years with...

12 Things That Happen When You Quit Drinking

Unless you're a scotch on the rocks kind of person, you probably aren't drinking your liquor straight out of the bottle. Chances are, you are mixing it with something to tame down the fire. And that usually means you're also taking in extra added sugar. The American Cancer Society (ACS)...

“Prescription Fraud” & “Doctor Shopping” Laws in California

ContentsHow-to reduce doctor shoppingWhy Do People Shop For Doctors?Laws That Can Stop Doctor ShoppingDefinition of doctor-shoppingGroup Therapy We can assist you in finding an appropriate local program if this is an option you are interested in. In the UK, patients have more difficulties with changing doctors, because many general practitioners...

What Is A Sober Living House? Everything You Need To Know About Them

ContentCharacteristics of Sober Living HousesWhat Role Does Sober Living Play in Recovery?Who Can Live in a Sober Living Home?Why You Should Go To A Sober Living HouseAre you ready to find out more about our sober living transitional housing? Research on sober living houses also states that residents experience a...

The 6 Best Sober Living Homes for Women

ContentStructured Living Women’s Rehab in MilwaukeePHASE BASED TREATMENTSOME Harvest HouseCatholic Charities–The Mission Shelter 120-Day ProgramSupportive Recovery Sisterhood Here, you learn through the advice of our staff on how to rebuild the lifeyouwant, while you have the support of like-minded peers to lean on. Whether you utilize our outpatient program or...

How Can Art Help in Addiction Recovery? Gateway Rehab

People often hold their feelings in and keep them so guarded that it’s hard to sort everything out. However, unprocessed emotions still hurt us, and finding a way to get them out through expression can help us cope with such feelings. When someone was young, they may have been told...

How Does Tapering Off Alcohol Work?

However, this depends on the amount of support a person receives while they are quitting. Although there may be risks to quitting cold turkey, there could also be some benefits in using this method, which depend on the substance or practice. Tapering off alcohol is a method of reducing your...

Preventing Excessive Alcohol Use

ContentWays To Drink Responsibly When Out With FriendsAttend Support Groups At NightAddiction & RecoveryWhat Happens When You Stop DrinkingI Signed Up For An Online Course On How To Stop Drinking AlcoholTell Family Members And Friends You Want To Get HealthierRelated Medlineplus Health Topics Keep telling yourself, I don't need a...