Bid, Ask, Last Price Whats the best price to follow?

last bid ask

And, when they say the bid-ask spread goes to the market maker, that doesn’t happen in one trade. It takes two trades for the market maker to make money.

last bid ask

For example, if an investor wants to buy a stock, they need to determine how much someone is willing to sell it for. They look at the ask price, the lowest price someone is willing to sell the stock for. The term “bid and ask” refers to a two-way price quotation that indicates the best price at which a security can be sold and bought at a given point in time. Timothy Li is a consultant, accountant, and finance manager with an MBA from USC and over 15 years of corporate finance experience. Timothy has helped provide CEOs and CFOs with deep-dive analytics, providing beautiful stories behind the numbers, graphs, and financial models. Bid price is the price a buyer is willing to pay for a security.


You can use the Bid, Last, and Ask buttons to select the price for a trade. You can use the Bid, Last, and Ask buttons on the Trade Bar to select a price for a trade.

What Does It Mean When the Bid and Ask Are Close Together?

When the bid and ask prices are very close, this typically means that there is ample liquidity in the security. In this scenario, the security is said to have a “narrow” bid-ask spread. This situation can be helpful for investors because it makes it easier to enter or exit their positions, particularly in the case of large positions.On the other hand, securities with a “wide” bid-ask spread—that is, where the bid and ask prices are far apart—can be time-consuming and expensive to trade.

Added a new view for TPO Initial balance in the form of a Bar near the profile. In the profile settings, you can set the view for initial balance as a Bar or as Area. Residents are subject to country-specific restrictions. There is no guarantee that execution of a stop order will be at or near the stop price. Enter a discretionary amount with a limit order to create a discretionary order. Keeps the order active until the close of market on the date you enter.

Understanding stock prices

This is quoted to give an indication of the level that a currency pair is trading at. The bid and ask prices will be either side of the mid market rate. Bid and ask is a very important concept that many retail investors overlook when transacting.

last bid ask

If, for example, a stock is trading with an ask price of $20, then a person wishing to buy that stock would need to offer at least $20 in order to purchase it at today’s price. The gap between the bid and ask prices is often referred to last bid ask as the bid-ask spread. The bid price represents the maximum price that a buyer is willing to pay for a share of stock or other security. The ask price represents the minimum price that a seller is willing to take for that same security.

Bid, Ask, Mid and Last prices. What are they?

If demand outstrips supply, then the bid and ask prices will gradually shift upwards. You’ll narrow the bid-ask spread, or your order will hit the ask price if you place a bid above the current bid . The bid-ask spread is the range of the bid price and ask price. If the bid price were $12.01, and the ask price were $12.03, the bid-ask spread would be $.02. If the current bid were $12.01, and a trader were to place a bid at $12.02, the bid-ask spread would be narrowed.

Current bids appear on the Level 2—a tool that shows all current bids and offers. The Level 2 also shows how many shares or contracts are being bid at each price. The difference between the bid and ask price is called the spread. Bid-ask spreads can be as small as a few cents or larger than 50 cents or $1, depending on the security that’s being traded. The market sets bid and ask prices through the placement of buy and sell orders placed by investors, and/or market-makers. If buying demand exceeds selling supply, then often the stock price will rise in the short-term, although that is not guaranteed. Added two new columns called Last Bid & Ask Trades to the DOM Trader panel which shows the recently traded volume for both Bid and Ask separately at the current trading price.

Converter bid/ask to OHLC formula

Displays the account number of the beneficial account. The implied volatility is based on the average of the best bid and offer for an option. This calculation is non-linear, and may not converge for low vega options. In such cases, no implied volatility estimate will be displayed. A “C” in front of the last price indicates that this is the previous day’s closing price. Content intended for educational/informational purposes only. Not investment advice, or a recommendation of any security, strategy, or account type.

last bid ask

The difference between the bid and ask prices is referred to as the bid-ask spread. The bid-ask spread benefits the market maker and represents the market maker’s profit. It is an important factor to take into consideration when trading securities, as it is essentially a hidden cost that is incurred during trading. John is a retail investor looking to purchase stocks of Security A. He notices the current stock price of Security A is at $173 and decides to purchase 10 shares for $1,730.