CPA Exam Practice Questions With Answers

Finally, Gleim’s materials include a free set of practice questions and practice tests. These function similarly to AICPA and NJCPA’s questions; each one mimics the exam format and lets you quiz yourself on important topics to ensure that they stick in your mind. The website CPAReviewForFree offers both samples question and CPA simulations free. You’ll find 1,000 questions written by CPA expert Joe Hoyle, who is also an award-winning professor.

  • The license confirms professional knowledge in the area of audit, taxation, financial accounting and reporting.
  • Prepare for the actual CPA Exam with these realistic Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs).
  • This strategy can boost your morale and provide momentum for the subsequent sections.
  • This would mean fewer assets to liquidate and fewer proceeds to distribute among the other creditors.
  • Use the links listed here to explore these free CPA Exam resources now, or keep reading to learn more about their benefits.

It has been extremely beneficial to me understanding the concepts presented in the lectures and how to apply them to specific situations. I also love the ease of creating and navigating through all of the tests that I have created. If you’d like to study solo, find a quiet, dedicated space for sessions and make room in your schedule for several hours of exam preparation each week. Consider getting support from a trusted colleague or mentor when necessary. Previous versions of the CPA exam included the BEC section, which explored corporate governance, information technology, financial and operations management, and economic concepts. The discipline section replaces BEC, allowing candidates to test in an area of interest or advanced skill.

So instead of just rote learning concepts, practice CPA practice tests to measure your strengths and weakness. CPA mocks will help you in developing an effective study strategy. Although Gleim’s primary focus is their full CPA review course, they also offer a set of free CPA study materials. These come in a wide range of formats and cover topics relevant to all 4 sections of the exam— so you won’t be stuck doing the same study exercises over and over again. Another solid resource for study content is the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants (NJCPA). Much like the AICPA, they have a great selection of CPA exam practice materials.


They release content regularly on this channel, with 2 years worth of material uploaded. This quiz contains Gleim questions that are representative of questions you may see on the actual CPA Exam. We specialize in offering free test prep and prep course reviews.

  • Prep courses and study guides tend to cost a lot of money; since you likely haven’t started your career yet, it might cost money that you don’t have.
  • (Choice D)  The sales-to-assets ratio indicates an entity’s ability to effectively use assets to generate sales.
  • That way, you can easily put aside the time instead of accidentally starting a test that takes longer than the study period you’ve set for yourself.
  • Achieving this score proves that you have a level of knowledge that will uphold public safety in accounting services.

Bottom Line – If your career is riding on your success on the CPA exam and you have the budget, a top CPA review course is a great option. Learn more about each course with our in-depth CPA course reviews. (Choice B) A debtor’s insolvency (ie, liabilities exceed the fair market value of assets) is not a requirement for filing a voluntary bankruptcy petition.

Free CPA Exam Questions

Reserves are funds that banks hold to cover customer withdrawals. Because supply and demand for money determines interest rates, lowering the reserve requirement creates excess reserves. Banks use the additional reserves to make loans, resulting in a beginner’s guide to imputed income an increase in the money supply. Increases in the money supply should put downward pressure on interest rates. Business cycles are fluctuations in economic output and are generally measured by the rise and fall in gross domestic product (GDP).

Does my work experience have to come from a public accounting firm?

Their courses come with 7,700+ MCQs and 400 TBSs, so you’ll get access to lots of extra free CPA questions. Additionally, the AICPA has created a sample test for each CPA Exam section. And in these sample tests, of course, you’ll find free CPA questions.

Do internship hours count towards the work experience requirement for CPA Licensure?

Representation letters must always indicate that all financial records were made available to the auditor, reaffirming no scope limitation during the audit. Amy Boyington is an Ohio-based freelance writer with degrees in English and education. As a lifelong learner herself, Amy enjoys researching and writing about colleges, degrees, and careers to help others navigate their educational paths. You can also practice with a shortened sample test from AICPA, which familiarizes you with the CPA exam software.

The CPA Exam is a beast of information, so you’ll want to identify a product that can help you gain topic mastery quickly and efficiently. The free trial of Roger CPA Review lasts for 2 days and gives you complete freedom within the course during this period. If you’re interested in Roger, I recommend checking out the trial and my evaluation of Roger CPA Review.

The AICPA sample tests only include answer explanations for the task-based simulations or TBSs. Therefore, as you answer the TBS questions, you can see the correct answers. Each answer explanation links to a specific AICPA Blueprint, which outlines the exam topics. So, for example, the CPA audit exam questions and answers for the sample AUD TBSs will include a brief explanation and a note about which AUD blueprint topic the simulation tests.

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GDP is the total market value of all final (ie, finished) goods and services produced within one country’s borders during a specified period of time (typically a year). (Choice D)  Management may not correct all misstatements identified by the auditor. GAAS requires that the auditor obtain a written management representation letter from the client, dated as of the audit report date. This letter provides audit evidence, reaffirming information provided or statements made to the auditor during the audit.

Since the practice test is online, you can save your progress and return later if you don’t finish in one sitting. Consequently, Gleim breaks down your MCQ score by topic to help you focus your studies on your weak content areas. Task-Based Simulations (TBSs) account for up to 50% of your exam score.