Cash Flow Forecasting: A How-To Guide With Templates Bench Accounting


Accurate cash flow projection allows companies to estimate their future financial balances, avoid catastrophic cash shortages, and maximize the return on any cash surpluses. The age-old expression is very true for small businesses, whether you are growing or looking to maintain financial stability. A cash flow projection can help you improve your cash flow planning and take control of your financial health. List and date all your expected cash income for the forecast period, including sales receipts and things like grants, tax refunds, or incoming finance that will hit your bank.

  • With the right solution in place, cash flow forecasting can be quick and easy, giving you more time to focus on running your business.
  • We recommend using a combination of the three to enable optimal analyses.
  • Creating a cash flow forecast spreadsheet can seem like a daunting task.
  • A statement focuses on past cash flows, a projection aims to predict the future.

The cash flow forecast helps to predict the financial condition of a company over the specified period of time. These forecasts are generally based on previous conditions, cash flow, and forecasts. Creating a cash flow projection can help business owners better plan for the future and make more informed business decisions. Here are a few more reasons why creating a cash flow projection can benefit your business. A cash flow projection is one of the most useful tools for small business owners. Designed to project how much cash is flowing through your business, a cash flow projection helps plan for the future.

Move to a rolling forecast

The bookkeeper definition manager of Tiny Construction wants to assess whether the business’ cash flow will support the purchase of a new piece of equipment in the next month. A cash flow dashboard shows how cash balances will rise and fall in response to expected transactions. Before making a cash flow projection, you first need to know how to calculate cash flow. Employer payroll taxes and sales taxes, which are estimated payments to be submitted during weeks one and two. Collections on previous credit sales to contractors based on the estimated AR collection rate, using 30-day payment terms. After you have finalized the entries for the assumptions page, the next task at hand will be to tackle the Income Statement projections.

Cash flow projections are fairly straightforward but incredibly useful. It can be a bit sobering to see your actual cash flow, but this information can only help you make better decisions and grow your business responsibly. That nearly three in five small business owners (59%) report that they have made a poor business decision due to concerns about insufficient cash flow.


To complete the next period’s projected cash flow, repeat the steps from above. Businesses require cash flow to operate, and in the long term, negative cash flow can lead to a variety of issues for a business. This transfer occurs through accounts payable and accounts receivable. Accounts payable is money out, while accounts receivable is money in.

A projected Income Statement provides management an idea of how the company’s profitability will look 12 months into the future. This projected profitability rests in large part on management’s ability to forecast industry and customer demand, costs, as well as many other macro and micro economic factors. There are several legitimate ways to do a cash flow forecast. For example, your business can spend money that does not show up as an expense on yourprofit and loss statement.

Don’t “Set and Forget”

A good cash flow forecasting software should allow it to link to other system software such as ERP to pull the relevant and accurate data for analysis and review. Businesses use statements of cash flows to provide important insights about the liquidity and solvency of a company which are vital for the survival and growth of any organisation. It is the third component of a company’s financial statements and is often used in tandem with the other two key reports – the Profit and Loss and the Balance Sheet. When an organization plans for forecasting a cash flow statement, they consider sales, income, and other expenditures.

For example, if you sell a truck that your company no longer needs, the proceeds from that sale would show up in your cash flow statement. You might also send invoices to customers and then have to collect payment. When you do that, you keep track of the money you are owed inAccounts Receivable. When customers pay those invoices, that cash shows up on your cash flow forecast in the “Cash from Accounts Receivable” row. The easiest way to think about forecasting this row is to think about what invoices will be paid by your customers and when.

tools and resources

If possible, delegate updates to a bookkeeper or accountant. Beyond saving you time, this allows you to take a higher-level view of the projection and will help you identify errors more easily. To make sure your projection stays accurate throughout the year, be sure to consider these variable expenses.

For example, your shipping costs vary because they depend on how many products you sell and ship. Your packaging, raw materials, commissions, and labor costs may also go up and down with your sales volume. Small Business Stories Celebrating the stories and successes of real small business owners. Check out these tactics to get your clients to pay you faster. For example, being overly generous in your sales estimates can compromise the accuracy of the projection.

A business owner’s guide to balance sheets

Once you comprehend how to calculate cash flow, it’s easier to understand how to forecast future cash flows. Use this simple template to begin forecasting cash flow using the direct method. Start by inputting the actual opening cash balance in the highlighted cell. The embedded formulas will calculate after the projected data has been added.

If you’ve already created a cash flow projection for the previous month, your beginning balance for the upcoming month will be the ending cash balance from the previous month. From the income statement, we use forecast net income and add back the forecast depreciation. We then use the forecast balance sheet to calculate changes in operating assets and liabilities.

Forecasting cash spent

This article provides an in-depth look at why cash flow forecasting is important, different methods, advantages and challenges, as well as detailed steps for building an effective forecast. Make informed decisions about how to allocate your resources. For example, if a business owner knows that they will have extra cash on hand in the coming months, they may choose to invest in new equipment or hire additional staff. If you’re interested in checking out a cash flow forecasting tool, take a look atLivePlan for cash flow forecasting. If you bought or sold assets, you’ll need to add that into your cash flow calculations. This is, again, similar to the direct method of forecasting cash flow.

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It’s worth keeping these two different types of cash in-flows separate from each other, mostly because loans need to be repaid while investments do not need to be repaid. All the cash that is flowing in including sales, tax refunds, funding, grants, investments, and other inflows. Periodic reporting requires teams to have finished projections of cash positions at certain times of the year. Start a free trial of Finmark today, and let us show you how we can transform your financial planning experience.

For example, if you expect your expenses to be higher in the next month, you can cut down on unnecessary expenditures. Likewise, if you know that cash flow is expected to be higher next month, you may want to purchase a new laptop to replace the aging one that you’ve been using. If you want to create your own cash flow projection, start drafting out columns for your future periods. Or, you can take advantage of a spreadsheet to organize your cash flow statement projections.

predict the future

Both are methods for projecting the business’s financial future. It is prudent for companies to create their own cash flow forecasts to better understand their figures that will inform their financial decisions regarding their business. Cash flow forecasts help companies estimate how much money is moving in and out of their business for a set period. This helps companies plan and prepare for potential scenarios while giving a clear picture of where the business stands financially. Cash flow forecasting is one of the business planning exercises.

You might save more in months where you have a surplus, step up your receivables collection efforts, or establish a line of credit with your bank to guarantee enough working capital to last the period. Jason Lin is Chief Financial Officer at Centage, home of Planning Maestro intelligent planning analytics software that over 10,000 customers use for planning, budgeting, forecasting, and reporting. Lin has 20 years of experience in finance, accounting, and administration. He has extensive experience driving profitability, growth, and operational efficiency at leading technology companies. Intelligent forecasting offers far more than a snapshot of the business.