FAQs on Material Cost Cost and Management Accounting

A replacement level corresponding to 18 months Consumption may be fixed for each item. The item shall be reviewed at the end of a year, and a stock requisition placed for a quantity by which quantity by which on hand plus quantity on order minus pending demands, is short of the replenishment level. The perpetual inventory system is intended as an aid to material control.

How do I calculate VAT?

You calculate 20% VAT by calculating the net amount x 1.20, then you have the gross amount. If you want to know how much VAT is in the amount, you calculate the gross amount / 1.20 = net amount * 0.20. The result is the VAT included.

When materials requisitioned for a specific job or work-in progress are found to be in excess of the requirement or are unsuitable for the purpose, they are returned to the stores. To use this method, it is necessary to store each lot of material separately and maintain its separate account. Possible to know which is fast moving and which is slow moving. Under this system, inventories are controlled by classifying them on the basis of frequency of usage. The classification of items into these three categories depends on the nature and managerial discretion.

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Differences if any noticed between the actual stock and the balance of stock as shown by the books should be properly adjusted after obtaining sanction from the higher officials. All items in stores should be serially numbered and the place where they are to be kept also should be numbered. In this system, separate trial balance can be prepared only for general ledger. In this system, accounts are maintained on double entry system only. Once the supplies within the first bin run out, a signal to replenish the materials is sent to the warehouse.

difference between bin card and store ledger

Differences due to avoidable causes should be valued and adjusted through the stores consumption account and recovered in cost as an item of stores overhead expenses. Certain goods are seasonal in nature and can be purchased only during specific period. Compute the total cost of each item as a percentage of total costs of all items.


It is a system of stock control followed by stores department. The system follows a method of recording stores by which information about each receipt, issue and current balance of stock is always available. Continuous stock taking means the physical checking of the records i.e. Bin cards and store ledger with actual physical stock. Perpetual inventory is essentially necessary for material control.

According to this approach material should only be purchased when it is actually required for production. Regular reports of materials purchased issue from stock, inventory balances, obsolete stock, goods returned to vendors, and spoiled or defective units are required. In the event of the stock being entirely de-pletted, the quantity to be requisitioned is obtained by adding the maximum to the minimum quantity. Should a sudden rush of demands deplete the stocks entirely, and still leave some requisitions uncompiled with, the correct recoupment will be the maximum plus the quantity required to cover the pending requisitions. The following formula, may, therefore, be used with advantage. This level is a level of stock between the minimum level and nil stock.

FAQ 14. What is the accounting treatment of spoilage, defectives and scrap in Cost Accounting?

It makes available correct figures for claim to be ledged with the Insurance company for loss on account of stock destroyed by fire. The system helps in keeping the stocks within the limits decided upon by the management so that excessive working capital is not sunk in the stock. The following are advantage of the perpetual inventory system. Explaining promptly the causes of discrepancies between physical balances and book figures. Checking the physical balance of a number of item every day sympathetically and by rotation. Minimum inventory consumption, i.e. about 5% of inventory usage (in end-product).

  • It is important to note that the amount of materials consumed in a period by a cost object need not be equal to the amount of material available with the concern.
  • In cases where satisfactory explanations have not been recorded, rejoinders will be issued by the Stores Accounts Officer.
  • He maintains a ledger known as Stores Ledger where he accounts quantity and value of materials received, issued to production department and maintains balance of materials left in the stores.
  • Three foils of the combined “Requisition and Issue Notes” will be received in the Ledger Section along with the forwarding memo.
  • Material, being one of the total cost elements, are also required to be controlled so that the overall cost control objective can be fulfilled.

This is one of the key parts to how your have your warehouse set up. Stress during the weekly staff meeting during which the Stock Officer presents how the inventory stock system works that the Stock Officer is now the only individual that’s allowed to take objects from the inventory. This way the Stock Officer can update the Stock Cards instantly and it’s prevented that quantities in stock begin to differ from quantities within the register. Explain also that every newly arrived order have to be inspected and unpacked by the Stock Officer.

FAQ 3. How are the following items treated in arriving at the value of cost of material purchased?

If solely two bins are available, 200kg of nuts ought to be delivered in each bin for the production to perform smoothly. Alternatively, if only 100kg of nuts can fit into one bin, and no additional bins can be found in the intervening time, the warehouse should scale back the lead time . Let’s calculate the desired lead time, if the scale of the bin is a hundred. Let’s optimize the Kanban system for a chocolate manufacturing facility, producing chocolate bar with nuts. It includes of Bin Card and Stores Ledger, to keep track of assorted objects.

difference between bin card and store ledger

If everything on the invoice is found to be correct, a voucher authorising payment is prepared and payment made accordingly. After the procurement of materials from the supplier actual material cost is calculated. Ascertainment of cost of material purchased is called valuation of materials receipts. Cost of material includes cost of purchase net of trade discounts, rebates, https://1investing.in/ duty draw-back, input credit availed, etc. and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Invoice of material purchased from the market sometime contain items such as trade discount, quantity discount, freight, duty, insurance, cost of containers, taxes, cash discount etc. Store ledger is prepared by cost accounting department.

method of inventory management

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  • Fixation of the various stock levels and checking of actual balances in hand with these levels assist the store keeper in maintaining stocks within limits and in initiating purchase requisitions for correct quantity at the appropriate time.
  • The nature of business and the type of production process.
  • It reduces the stock level to minimum by creating closer relationship with suppliers and arranging frequent deliveries of materials in smaller quantities.
  • Materials of small bin will be issued only when materials of larger bin is completely issued.
  • In the case of falling price, profit tend to rise due to lower material cost, yet the finished goods appear to be more competitive and are at market price.

Such foils should be filed separately for each division or shop and according to the dates of the requisition in order to facilitate reference in future. The other two foils should be handed over to the ledger posters. In many cases, the voucher handed over difference between horizontal and vertical line to the ledger section will be in two foils, viz, the Accounts Copy and the Bill Copy, but in no case should the foils be separated. The posting in the numerical ledgers should be made from the copy styled “Accounts Copy” and not from the “Bill Copy”.

It does not take into account quantities of material while computing average price. For instance, when 100 units are Purchased @ 9 Rs per unit and 900 units are purchased @ 7Rs per unit. The various stock levels like minimum, maximum, etc., should be fixed and maintained for each item of material.

Bin Card also known as as ” Stock Card” or “Bin Tag” utilizing to record all the receipts and issues of the shares from the shop division. This playing cards data the amount of the materials and present the actions similar to receipts, points and balance of the materials. This card is proven by the work centres after they wish to draw stock from the availability bins. Typically, you can set a storage bin location as the default bin location for storing a specific merchandise, or objects from a selected merchandise group or warehouse. SAP Business One routinely allocates the incoming items to the default bin location except your warehouse has receiving bin areas.

How do you remove 5 VAT from a total?

Removing VAT formula

If you want to subtract VAT from the price, you need to divide the price by (100 + VAT rate) and then multiply by 100.